Land based equipment compliance

June 18, 2024

Land based equipment compliance

June 18, 2024




Our client needed to ensure their new deployable radar met UK safety regulations, requiring a comprehensive 3-Part Safety Case Report. Ensuring the radar was safe to operate was crucial for deployment.

Client Requirements

Our client required a new land based, deployable radar and required the expertise of our Safety Engineers to demonstrate that the radar meets UK Legislative and Regulatory requirements. To achieve this the client required support developing the Safety Case and summarising the evidence across a 3-Part Safety Case Report (Part 1 Requirements, Part 2 Design and Part 3 Operation & Support) in accordance with Defence Land regulations.

The Challenge

Along with security accreditation, safety is arguably one of the most important areas where a Project Team/Delivery Team can fail. If a system or equipment cannot be assured as safe (i.e. Safe to Operate and Operate Safely), its deployment into service becomes unfeasible. Therefore, the safety requirements must be determined, endorsed, and captured within User and System Requirements early in the procurement process, providing a comprehensive baseline to the safety programme. Ultimately, this foundation allows the Safety Case and Safety Case Reports to be developed along the various stages of the Concept, Assessment, Demonstration, Manufacture, In-service and Disposal (CADMID) cycle.

Our Solution

Safeguard Engineering has a well-established team of experienced Safety Engineers, specialising in Land Safety and are well-suited to helping our clients with their requirements. Our staff worked with our client from the early stages of the CADMID cycle and were able to develop all stages of the 3-Part Safety Case Reports; from the User and System Requirements through to the completion of the Part 3 Safety Case Report. Successful completion of this task allowed for the system to be introduced into service with the Ministry of Defence (MOD).

Two soldiers wearing full gear, stood facing in the same direction.

Client Benefits

The key benefits to our client from this work included:

  • Demonstrating Compliance – we documented the evidence needed to demonstrate the equipment was compliant with UK Legislative and Regulatory requirements and was Safe to Operate and could be Operated Safely.
  • Safety Case Reports – we provided our client with a 3-Part Safety Case Report, that they were able to present to the equipment Duty Holder for endorsement.
  • With the equipment being able to be demonstrated as being safe and an endorsed Safety Case Report it allowed the equipment to enter service on time and begin operational tasking.

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