Air Traffic Equipment

Safeguard Engineering has been involved in Air Traffic Equipment safety for over 10 years, with our projects covering equipment used in land and ship-based applications, including examples of Air Defence and Navigation systems being used for Air Traffic Management.


Our clients span across numerous sectors, meaning our team has knowledge and experience dealing with projects of all complexities.

Air Traffic Equipment

We are defence specialists who bring 30+ years experience of in-depth knowledge and expertise.

A man in a shirt sat working at a computer in a busy office.
Nick Cole Photography

Our expertise

Our team consists of experienced ex-MoD aviation professionals (civilian and military), including Engineers, Aircrew, Air Traffic Control, and Airfield / Flight Deck Operations specialists. They have a wealth of ‘hands-on’ skills from operating in Front Line Commands, Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) Delivery Teams, the Military Aviation Authority (MAA), Release to Service Authorities (RTSA) and Defence Training Organisations.


Our projects have included equipment used in land and ship-based applications, including examples of Air Defence and Navigation systems being used for Air Traffic Management.


Our work is completed to an industry-leading standard, with our team having experience in working with a variety of air traffic equipment projects.

Friendly and approachable, providing high quality and efficient work. Very easy to work with.

UKDocks Marine Services Ltd.

The capabilities we provide

Equipment used by the MoD to perform Air Traffic Management is regulated by the Military Aviation Authority (MAA). These regulations aim to ensure safety standards equivalent to those of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) regulated airfields.  MAA regulations are complex and include specific Safety Case and Hazard Assessment requirements. 


Our staff have practical experience in ATM operations, having contributed to the development of MoD safety and environmental policies, including Naval Authority Regulations. We have a deep understanding of the fundamental regulations and policies related to Air Traffic Management, and our extensive experience allows us to apply these effectively and pragmatically to every project we work on.


Our air traffic management capabilities include:

  • The assessment of ATM equipment safety requirements to meet the requirements of Def Stan 00-972, associated MAA Regulatory Articles (RAs) and Royal Navy specific requirements (BR768) or civil equivalent standards (CAP 670).
  • The development of 4-part ATM Equipment Safety Case Reports (SCRs), providing specialist support to the introduction of new ATM systems in both maritime and land environments.
  • Identification and Assessment of ATM Equipment Hazards.
  • Management of the ATM Equipment Release into Service Process (RiSP)

How do we support you?

Land Systems:

Our ATM Team has supported the MOD DE&S Air Defence and Electronic Warfare Team with the introduction of a large deployable Air Defence Radar System. We have helped the team and their supplier develop their ATM Requirements and produced the supporting ATM Equipment Safety Case.


Our team includes ex-MOD employees responsible for the acceptance of UK facilities supported by Project Marshall, and we are currently providing staff into the Project Marshall delivery team in ATM Equipment Safety roles.


Maritime Systems:

We have specific experience in supporting the complex aspects of integrating ATM Equipment into RN and RFA Ships to achieve approval for use by the Release to Service Authority. In addition to the Aviation and Air Traffic Control professions, our ATM team includes ex-RN Mission Systems integration specialists.


They have been in demand supporting many complex projects, including:

  • Support to Lockheed Martin ASIC UK Navigation Radar Replacement Project, including authoring of ATM Equipment Safety Cases for five classes of ship
  • Specialist advice and support to the Type 31e Frigate programme and their equipment providers
  • Development of Safety Cases for the introduction of new radar systems to the RFA Fleet in the Tide Class tankers and RFA Fort Victoria
  • Independent Safety Audit of ATM Equipment into the Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers

Contact Us

Get in touch and speak to a specialist about the support we can offer you.