Safeguard Engineering took the time to really understand our requirements and delivered their outputs to an extremely high standard. Their work lays the foundation for our regulatory engagement strategy and ensuring we operate safely using our novel technology.
- About Us
About Us
Safeguard Engineering was established to meet a growing demand for a safety and environmental engineering specialist, that is completely impartial, cost effective and operates with the highest levels of integrity and trust.
- Sectors
Safeguard Engineering has a proven track record in supporting clients across the Defence and Commercial sectors, delivering innovative and reliable services that meet the highest standards of quality and efficiency.
- Capabilities
Safeguard Engineering provides a comprehensive range of cross-sector capabilities that ensures our clients can deliver their contractual requirements with confidence, in scope and on time.
- Maritime Overseer Support
- Ship Design Support
- Engineering Services
- Environmental Management
- Independent Safety and Environmental Audit / Advice
- Safety Management
- Aviation Safety Management
- Ordnance Munitions and Explosives
- Independent Safety and Environmental Audit / Advice
- Air Traffic Equipment
- Airworthiness
- Ship Air Integration
- Explosive Atmosphere Management
- Case Studies