Environmental Management

Safeguard Engineering has a wealth of Environmental Management experience supporting environmental policies and processes across the Maritime, Aviation and Facilities sectors.


Our expert cross-sector capabilities and vast experience have established us as one of the leading safety, environmental, and marine engineering support consultants in the country.

Environmental Management

We are defence specialists who bring 30+ years experience of in-depth knowledge and expertise.

Two people at a meeting table, one stood up talking and the other sat down listening.
Nick Cole Photography

Our expertise

The Safeguard Engineering Environmental Team includes:

  • Chartered Environmentalists
  • Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA) Registered Auditors
  • Former Environment Agency and MOD Regulators
  • Environmental Advisors

Our environmental and wider safety, design and engineering expertise covers a blended combination of sectors and industries, including aviation, naval and commercial shipping experience.  We are trusted by clients worldwide, helping them strike the perfect balance between enhancements in operations and responsible environmental protection.


Each of our dedicated specialists is IEMA registered and holds extensive experience in the Defence and Commercial sectors. We pride ourselves on guiding our clients closely and making it as easy as possible for them to fulfil their environmental obligations. We offer comprehensive support, from identifying and reviewing legislative compliance to conducting Environmental Impact Screening and Scoping (EISS) and producing Environmental Case Reports (ECR).

Safeguard Engineering were very responsive, professional and attentive to the task at hand.


The capabilities we provide

As the UK aims for its 2050 net zero emissions target, regulations and societal expectations are intensifying, prompting rapid changes in legislation. The Safeguard Engineering Environment Team prides itself on staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in net zero pathways and supporting our clients to achieve their environmental objectives effectively. To do this, we provide:

  • Environmental Management System (EMS)
    Development, implementation, and audit of ISO14001/ISOWD PAS 30001-based EMS for commercial ships/facilities and MoD Project Oriented Environmental Management System (POEMS) across domains. We specialise in supporting and delivering products from Impact and Risk Assessments through Environmental Impact Screening and Scoping (EISS) to full Environmental Case Reports (ECR).
  • Environmental Auditing
    Provision of independent audit and verification services encompassing the whole product/programme life cycle. ISO 14006 implementation support to facilitate the incorporation of DFE in ship/submarine platform and equipment design governing aspects such as energy efficiency, hazardous or critical raw materials elimination/substitution, Design for Maintenance, Design For Disposal, etc.
  • Hazardous Materials Advisory Support
    Provision of technical support in ship and aviation platform/equipment design and upgrade programmes, particularly when ensuring legislative compliance and minimising life safety and environmental harm. Our support encompasses the development and maintenance of hazardous material databases, hazardous material facility management, hazardous/critical material substitution evaluation, development of Material Management Policies, Lead-Free Control Plans (LFCPs), etc.
  • Optioneering Studies
    Supporting a selection of equipment/systems such as Ballast Water, Selective Catalytic Reduction Technologies, Optimal Engine Configuration Studies, and Waste Heat Recovery Systems.
  • Resilience Planning
    Enhancing resilience planning through the identification of platform/equipment design, operation, supportability, and disposal implications arising from changes in legislation and climate change impact, as well as the provision of advisory support on the adoption of currently voluntary standards/industry best practices.
  • Sustainable Development Support
    Including Sustainability Appraisals, Sustainable Procurement/Corporate Social Responsibility/Supply Chain Evaluation and Social Audits.
  • Professional Training
    Design and delivery of tailored training courses for ship designers, maintainers, operators, and recyclers encompassing topics such as maritime legislation, EMS, Design, etc.
  • Waste Management
    Development of Ship Recycling Plans in liaison with shipbuilders and recyclers, review of MARPOL compliance strategies, waste minimisation initiatives and audit of waste management arrangement and technologies.


Ministry of Defence Images © Crown Copyright
Nick Cole Photography

How do we support you?

Our extensive capabilities mean we are able to help you with an array of errors and difficulties, including:

  • Clear and Efficient Guidance – Receive quick and efficient evaluation of complex guidance presented in a clear, concise, and well-structured manner. We work closely with you to ensure our guidance meets your specific requirements.
  • Impartial and Unbiased Services – As a fully independent company wholly owned by the Directors, we pride ourselves on providing completely impartial services and advice, free from any potential conflicts of interest or undue external pressures, that you can rely on.
  • Comprehensive Expertise – Gain access to Safeguard Engineering subject matter experts, who leverage cross-sector and capability expertise to provide you with a fully comprehensive service tailored to your needs.
  • Timely Deliverables – You can expect deliverables that consistently meet your timescales, ensuring your projects stay on track.


Naval Ship Support (NSS)


Changing of policy & legislation in the environmental area has required focus in the Maritime sector.

Contact Us

Get in touch and speak to a specialist about the support we can offer you.