Explosive Atmosphere Management

Managing potentially explosive atmospheres is a critical safety requirement and a legal obligation under the DSEAR 2002 Regulations.


Our highly qualified and experienced team conduct comprehensive DSEAR (Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations) and HAC (Hazardous Area Classification) assessments, helping our clients to ensure compliance through design and operations, mitigate risks, and prioritise safety control mechanisms.

Explosive Atmosphere Management

We are defence specialists who bring 30+ years experience of in-depth knowledge and expertise.

A man in a shirt sat working at a computer in a busy office.
Nick Cole Photography

Our expertise

Our team includes highly qualified and experienced assessors, skilled in conducting assessments for Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR) and Hazardous Area Classification (HAC).


With extensive expertise across a range of facilities, including High Hazard Facilities and Ships (Commercial and Royal Navy operated), we bring a wealth of knowledge and detailed understanding of the regulatory requirements for managing potentially explosive atmospheres.

Our thorough understanding ensures the effective and safe management of hazardous substances, prioritising both safety and environmental compliance.

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Regulation and compliance

It is a legal requirement to control potentially explosive atmospheres in the workplace, as set out in the DSEAR 2002 Regulations.

Introduced under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, these regulations came into effect on 9 December 2002 and enforce compliance with two key European Directives:


• Explosive Atmospheres Directive 1999/92/EC (ATEX137)
• Chemical Agents Directive 98/24/EC


HAC is an integral part of the DSEAR assessment. The DSEAR assessment identifies and eliminates workplace risks, while HAC is a classification system that is used to identify where control measures are required and the documentation used to determine the type of equipment to allow in different zones of a facility.
Both are essential for identifying and mitigating risks associated with explosive atmospheres.

Our aim is to help you meet these legal obligations by ensuring your workplace is compliant and safe from the hazard of explosive atmospheres.

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How can we help you?

HAC Assessments
We help you identify and address risks in areas prone to explosive atmospheres early in the design process. Our assessments define the necessary protection levels for these areas to ensure risks are effectively mitigated through appropriate specifications for processes, plant, and equipment. This ensures your facility can operate safely without generating explosive atmospheres. Without this assessment, it is impossible to fully understand the workplace hazards or adequately protect your workforce.
Our support includes:

  • Determining the required level of equipment protection for DSEAR Zones.
  • Identifying hazardous material properties (e.g., ignition temperature).
  • Pinpointing potential sources of release.
  • Classifying applicable zones (Zone 0, 1, 2 or Zone 20, 21, 22).

DSEAR Assessments
We conduct DSEAR (Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations) assessments to identify areas where explosive atmospheres may form and evaluate how to control these risks. Our goal is to help you maintain a safe workplace for employees and others.
Our support includes:

  • Identifying hazardous substances in the workplace.
  • Determining where explosive atmospheres may occur.
  • Recommending control measures to mitigate or eliminate risks.

Understanding ATEX Rated Equipment
ATEX-certified equipment ensures safety in areas with explosive atmospheres and we support you in selecting the right ATEX-rated equipment for each Zone to ensure compliance and a safe working environment. By choosing the appropriate equipment, you can protect your workforce, minimise risks and safeguard both lives and assets.
Examples of ATEX-rated equipment include: Light fittings, Pumps, Control panels and Switches, etc..

Contact Us

Get in touch and speak to a specialist about the support we can offer you.