Ordnance Munitions and Explosives

Our specialist safety team offer support and an expert understanding of Ordnance Munitions and Explosives (OME), Energetic Materials and their associated manufacturing and processing facilities.


We understand the fundamental principles of explosives safety management and have the experience to pragmatically apply this to support our clients.

Ordnance Munitions and Explosives

We are defence specialists who bring 30+ years experience of in-depth knowledge and expertise.

A man stood up giving a lecture about ship design.
Nick Cole Photography

Our expertise

Our Ordnance, Munitions and Explosives (OME) specialists have advised the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and their supporting organisations in managing the risks associated with products and processes conducted in this Defence sector. Our diverse team holds a variety of backgrounds in Mechanical Engineering, Aviation, Maritime, OME and Facilities Safety Management and has been involved in the early development of MoD and Harbour safety policy and regulation.


By collaborating closely with design teams, we can identify the potential hazards associated within proposed equipment and facilities – subsequently developing safety requirements to ensure the appropriate mitigations are integrated into designs.


This process is then reiterated during the build and operational phases to confirm that the proposed safety measures have been properly implemented. Consequently, the operating processes are substantiated as suitable for the control of the identified hazards.

Safeguard Engineering took the time to really understand our requirements and delivered their outputs to an extremely high standard. Their work lays the foundation for our regulatory engagement strategy and ensuring we operate safely using our novel technology

George Morton
Online Oceans

The capabilities we provide

Our detailed knowledge of the associated technical and legislative requirements allows us to advise customers on technical compliance within these industry standards:

  • JSP 482/520 (now incorporated into the DSA03 OME publications), BRd 862, JSP 467
  • BS EN 62305
  • DSEAR 2002
  • Explosive Regulations 2014

We have successfully supported numerous projects in the development of Safety Cases in accordance with JSP 520. Additionally, our team has contributed to developing various test equipment essential for complex weapon systems, where the equipment may influence the explosive or dynamic safety of the weapon.


We have extensive experience and can support our clients in the following areas:

  • Legislative compliance
  • Development of management processes, procedures and plans
  • Hazard and risk assessment utilising such techniques as
    • Structured What If (SWIFT)
    • Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
    • Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
    • FMECA (Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis)
    • Bow tie
  • Safety and Environmental Case development and maintenance
  • Development of submissions seeking Naval Authority Certification
  • Generation of Safety and Environmental Case Reports
  • Independent Assurance and Audit activities
Ministry of Defence Images © Crown Copyright
Ministry of Defence Images © Crown Copyright

Examples of our work and projects

As part of our extensive safety services, we deliver detailed advice and support across multiple sectors, with experience in:

  • Comprehensive Safety Management for New Facilities – We conducted extensive safety management tasks and developed a Design Safety Case for a new assembly facility involving energetic materials. Detailed risk assessments address all potential threats, including electrical, electrostatic, lightning, chemical and mechanical hazards. Collaborating with the design team, we developed and substantiated mitigations, ensuring their integration into the design, build facility, and operating processes. The final Design Safety Case Report captured the safety argument for submission to the approval authorities.
  • Effective Hazard Management for Armoured Cabinet Installation – Utilising the HAZOP methodology, we conducted the Hazard Identification and Assessment activities for a new Armoured Cabinet within an energetic materials analysis lab. We worked closely with the design team to develop necessary mitigations and demonstrated their incorporation into the design.  The equipment Safety Case Report was delivered to the customer as part of the acceptance process, ensuring the equipment met stringent safety requirements.
  • Risk Mitigation for Heavyweight Torpedo Test Set – We performed Hazard Identification and assessment activities for a heavyweight torpedo test set, demonstrating that the associated risks were reduced to ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable) and tolerable levels. The comprehensive equipment Safety Case Report was submitted to the MoD as part of the equipment acceptance process.
  • Support for Naval Authority Certification – We supported MoD projects in the development of submissions seeking Naval Authority Certification in several areas, including explosives. Our expertise facilitated the certification process, ensuring compliance with stringent safety standards and enhancing operational safety.

Contact Us

Get in touch and speak to a specialist about the support we can offer you.