RFA Wave Class Compliance with OME Regulations

May 20, 2024

RFA Wave Class Compliance with OME Regulations

May 20, 2024


DE&S Naval Ship Support (NSS)


Development of the Wave Class Explosive Safety Case Report (CESCR)

Client Requirements

MOD Ship Platform Authorities need to demonstrate the safety of Ordnance, Munitions and Explosives (OME) onboard their vessels through the generation of a Class Explosive Safety Case Report (CESCR) that complies with DSA03. Due to limited staff resource numbers and levels of Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP), DE&S Naval Ship Support (NSS) required a CESCR for RFA’s Wave Class Tankers that could be used as an exemplar for other ship classes.

The Challenge

The development of the Wave Class Explosive Safety Case Report (CESCR) presented several complex challenges, not least the project coinciding with the introduction of the initial COVID-19 lockdown, which primarily affected access to staff. The Wave Class OME arrangements hadn’t previously been assessed against the new MAP 01-103 Part 2 requirements, so a new CESCR was needed and drew upon information from disparate MOD IT systems to which access was essential.

Our Solution

Our approach was to maximise knowledge transfer to the client from our Weapons Ordnance Munitions Explosives (WOME) experts. The aim was to help the client enhance their levels of safety, create a comprehensive audit trail of compliance evidence, overcome their shortfall in SQEP resources and create an exemplar-based on best practices.

We developed a clear and logical programme of work, involving all stakeholders to gather relevant information, undertake robust risk assessment and develop the CESCR. Where needed, guidance was sought from the Naval Authority Explosives to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations. Our activities included:

  • Data collection: Our WOME experts used their in-depth knowledge of explosive standards, regulations and policies to efficiently capture all relevant documentation requirements. The information was then collated and analysed in a robust safety compliance assessment.
  • Ship OME survey visit: This verified the Ship’s OME arrangements, including magazine locations & design arrangements, OME stowages, ammunition routes, armament & firefighting arrangements and weapon locations.

The survey was co-ordinated with the ship’s staff to reduce disruption and minimise costs within the agreed project schedule. This approach ensured suitable onboard personnel were identified and available, whose valuable input addressed gaps identified during data collection and significantly improved the quality of the final deliverable.

  • Organisation and conduct of a Ship Explosive Threat Hazard Assessment (SETHA) Workshop in accordance with Defence procedures and Safety Authority guidance to:
    • Identify and validate credible OME threats and hazards;
    • Establish risk controls that prevent or reduce the risk;
    • Determine the consequence;
    • Assess the risk to personnel;
    • Record all credible risks in an OME Hazard Log.

With agreement from the relevant Authorities, the SETHA methodology was tailored to suit the Platform’s design evolution since build.

During the SETHA, stakeholders were briefed on all relevant issues regarding policy, regulations, generic hazards and munitions to embark. Stakeholder Management is key to the success of a SETHA workshop. We developed a novel technique for gathering stakeholder input so that all requirements were captured and implemented. This approach has since been used as best practice for other RFA and RN vessels within the NSS Team. 

  • Production of the Wave CESCR: We incorporated all the evidence into a structured CESCR to present a robust safety and environmental argument that all OMEs, their storage and associated activities are safe and compliant with MoD policy, regulations and legislation.  The CESCR also highlights any OME safety shortfalls and associated actions.

This document is the first of its kind in the NSS team and is now being used as an exemplar in the RFA domain.

A crew member looking at munitions being transfered to an adjacent ship.

Client Benefits

The key benefits to the client from this work included:

  • A Safety Improvements & Forward Action Plan: We provided recommendations for the OME safety shortfalls and identified design solutions in a clear and precise forward action plan aiding the management of business risks and impacts;
  • Safety Justification Evidence: We provided the client with the evidence needed to achieve explosives certification as well as regulator endorsement of the procedures and processes used;
  • Achievement of Key Milestones: We managed additional tasks throughout the project and speedily resolved any issues, which ensured high-quality deliverables that met client needs and were delivered on time, improving the reputation of the client.
  • Knowledge transfer: From the Safeguard Engineering team to the client, improving their overall OME competence.

Our client benefited from our detailed understanding of the stakeholder community, and with their permission, we engaged with all relevant stakeholders, from Ship Staff through to the Regulator to maximise benefit of the programme.  We pride ourselves on our ability to provide our clients with cost-effective, value-adding advice and guidance whilst reducing our reliance on them for information. It is this kind of legacy that we like to leave with our clients, knowing that we can be trusted with a complex challenge and deliver an innovative solution that not only meets the requirement but allows the client’s team to be more resilient and capable in the future.

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