Last night was the annual online Safeguard Charity Quiz in support of our two nominated charities Blesma, The Limbless Veterans and Tom Harrison House.  The evening was a great success with staff from all around the UK taking part and paying a donation to one of these two charities.  This year we divided our company into just two teams – ‘Bristol’ and ‘The Rest of the World’ which was made up of our Portsmouth, Plymouth and Falmouth offices.  Chris Knight from Blesma kindly acted as our Quiz Master keeping the teams (and the banter) under control!

Thanks must go to Holly Turner who helped to plan the quiz and also organised a Reverse Raffle on the night.  This was a great success and contributed to the total raised which was an impressive £370.00.  Safeguard will now Match Fund this amount to bring the total for the night to £740.00.

Both teams were evenly matched and did exceptionally well in all six rounds answering questions from sport and general knowledge to a special military round.  Amazingly, at the end of the six rounds of questions it was a draw!  So a final tie-break question was asked:

The Tie-Breaker Question:

“How many post offices are there in India?”

The answer was 155,000 and closest to the correct answer were the Bristol team – making them the winners of the new Safeguard Quiz Champions Cup!  This will now be proudly displayed by that team in the conference room of the Bristol office.  The quiz was a full on family affair in many homes around the country as partners and children joined in with the quizzers helping to answer some of the questions. 

Commenting on the success of the evening Director, Steve Beech said:

“It is always a great night when the Safeguard team gets together and having an online evening like this in support of our charities is a popular annual event.  We are proud of the effort we put into supporting Blesma and Tom Harrison House and I know the CSR team are already working on the next fundraising idea.”

A quiz trophy.
The Safeguard Engineering Quiz Champions Cup