A team of cyclists from our Bristol office took on the ‘End of Summer’ charity bike ride. They cycled from Bath to our Bristol office, with a few pub/refreshment stops along the way! And they raised an amazing £300 for our nominated charity, Tom Harrison House (THH).  Safeguard Engineering will match fund this bringing the total raised to a fantastic £600.

The work of THH is so important in supporting our Armed Forces veterans. We know from the team there that this £600 would pay for 20 Community Breakfasts. This is when family, friends and the whole community around those seeking recovery from addition can come together and support one another.

Keen Cyclists are: Back row from the left: Shaun Rouse, Holly Turner, Steve Vickery, Darren Matthews and Steve Price. Front row from the left: Steve Pearson and Steve Beech

Commenting on the ride Steve Beech, Director said: “We were lucky with the weather for this bike ride and it was great to be out with some of the Bristol team on a sunny Friday afternoon. I am also very impressed with the amount of money raised by this elite team of seven. Safeguard is pleased to be able to match fund the £300 raised bringing the total up to £600. Steve Pearson has visited Tom Harrison House and seen the vital support they give to our veterans. We are proud to be supporting them.”

About Tom Harrison House

Tom Harrison House provides a specialist addiction recovery programme for UK Armed Forces veterans and emergency services personnel. A bespoke 12-week residential programme is designed specifically for those who have served and who may struggle to engage with mainstream, civilian rehabilitation services.

The programme is grounded in a supportive community of people with shared experiences. It includes a range of therapeutic groups and activities to help restore our clients’ physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. Our individualised, trauma-informed approach addresses the unique needs of ex-service personnel and is the first of its kind in the UK.

Tom Harrison House website screenshot.